Here’s a list of my open source projects writen mostly using JavaScript and TypeScript.

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash
Defer It
This is a simple serverless function that defers a request for a given amount of time. For instance:
PeYa Cover OG
A simple API to generate a cover image for the PedidosYa repositories. Powered by the awesome Open Graph Image Generator template.
Ultra Fresh Sorting
Takes a list of strings and sorts them by alphabetical order, but it uses a priority algorithm to sort the items that are more important to the user. The name was inspired by the project in PedidosYa.
Cometa Challenge
The solution for the Cometa challenge , in order to get the Frontend Engineer position of the company.
Ravn Challenge
The solution for the RAVN challenge , in order to get the Software Engineer position of the company.
Set Initial Color Mode
After reading The Quest for the Perfect Dark Mode by Josh Comeau , I’ve created a reusable solution for the dark-mode-flick-problem. My own website use this solution.
Toggled Library
Tiny library to use feature flags in React. Get features by its slug identifier or get a binary output using flag queries.
Weeks of my Life
Based on the poster of . It’s a calculator to see how many weeks of life you just consumed. Based on the average life expectancy for some country: USA, Italy and Peru.
My React CV
I created my CV using ReactPDF , which is another renderer instead of ReactDOM. The information is saved in my personal Airtable and consumed in real-time using a Vercel Lambda Function.
Seach GraphQL Jobs
Application made fully with TypeScript, using Storybook for component-driven development. Taking advance of client side Apollo resolvers. Powered by the free GraphQL Jobs API.
Prisma Anonymous Chat
My first try with GraphQL subscriptions, not production ready. Powered by Prisma v1.34 (v2 has no support for subscriptions). Go to the app root (/) and get a new chat access.
Mr. Rubik
After watch Animation and 3D in react-three-fiber (with Paul Henschel) — Learn With Jason , I decided to try to create this project just for fun, using The Rubik’s cube Doodle for inspiration.
AIMO Challenge
The solution for the AIMO challenge , in order to get the Software Engineer Frontend position of the company.
Vercel Toast Clone
A front-end challenge required by myself, I worked with animation effects powered by the awesome spring library. Here the original.
My Personal Site
Useful to create my personal brand as software developer, with this project I really want to share my knowledge about programming.
Hashing With Pbkdf2
Serverless application to use the pbkdf2 algorithm and a sort of playground to hash any text like account safe passwords. My λ function is right here.
Programming Challenges
Compilation of solutions for different programming challenges from ad-hoc problems to graph theory.